sabato 30 novembre 2019

La mia ricetta dei tortellini

Carne bovina polpa di vitello 70 gr
Lonza di maiale 70 g
Prosciutto crudo Parma 80 g
Mortadella di Bologna 80 g
Parmigiano Reggiano DOP da grattugiare 150 g
Burro 20 g
Uova grande 1
Noce moscata da grattugiare q.b.
Sale fino q.b.
Pepe nero q.b.

venerdì 8 novembre 2019

Linux: avoid strange characters in dialog

Add this to user:

mercoledì 25 settembre 2019

Linux execute at boot

The common mistake running a script @reboot using crontab is that the script is execute immediately after system is up so network service is not started yet.

a workaround is:
#execute call home at boot
@reboot         root    sleep 120; /devcomm/ > /devcomm/logs/cronlog 2>&1'

the script itself:

#startup application
cd /devcomm

martedì 17 settembre 2019

La mia classificazione dei Sistemisti

Ci sono due generi di sistemisti... 
quelli che usano CC Cleaner e quelli no.

Ecco io no.

venerdì 5 luglio 2019

SSL certificate request

For everyone that has frequently need to create a certificate this is the list of command to put in a batch file to create the request:

set /p fileName=Enter filename and path to generate the certificate
bin\openssl genrsa -des3 -out %fileName%.key 2048
bin\openssl rsa -in %fileName%.key -out %fileName%.key
bin\openssl req -config C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl.cfg -new -key %fileName%.key -out %fileName%.csr

Then follow the onscreen instruction.

mercoledì 20 febbraio 2019

Modify MSI files parameters

This fantastic tool allows you to modify the MSI parameters:

Windows 7 Deployment capture from Virtualbox and Microsoft Deployment Toolkit

From some days I'm working on a windows 7 distribution project. I'm using VirtualBox to run some test of capture and deploy of the master pc created.

The target operating system is a W7 64bit pro so I started to create a new VM with that operating system, virtual machine created normally with no particular settings.

Then in MDT I created a test task to Sysprep and Capture.

So happy to start I runt on the master machine a console prompt with high privileges. The VM is not in domain (else the first start crash).

then on the console:

net use  z: \\server\MDTshare /user:domain\user *

cd scripts
cscript LiteTouch.vbs

This start the capture wizard which should run the task sequences created in mdt, first sysprep then load the system state then restart and capture the image.

In this step and also during the connection to the server hosting the mdt share I experienced so many troubles, everytime seems the connection falled down or there was some trouble with the nic drivers.

Today after some search I found some incompatibility from Virtualbox and windows 7 64 bit guests, this problems appears on the lan both with windows and linux host operating systems on 64 bit.

This malfunctions should be corrected by using the virtio-net driver for the guest nic. You can find the correct drivers here: Virt I/O drivers if you use this drivers you have also to inject it on the mdt tasks drivers else when the tasks restarts the machine to capture fails to connect to lan.

You can also try to mount the iso on the vm and use drvload \\pathtoinf to load the needed driver. Do not forget to connect to network share.

AppexNetwork Accelerator on Windows 7 64 and network socket/connections closed

For some days I was involved in a strange problem on a custom application.
This application was written in vb6 and used oracle as a backend; after the upgrade from oracle 9 to 10 on the server side, client started to present a strange behaviour on the application.

If the user left the application in the taskbar without using it for some minutes the application freezing without any possible way out. Only killing the task.

The first actions was to verify some parameters on the network card, supposing the problem was caused by some Green feature to save energy

So with this command see the situation of the tcp stack
netsh int tcp show global
netstat –t

Used this documentation to understand the features of new network driver,_Receive_Side_Scaling_and_Chimney

Disabled some functionality of tcp
netsh interface tcp set global chimney=disabled

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled

Look on something about the Nagle Alghoritm

Then I found that the problem was presenting only in some HP pc. 
We bought two different HP workstation with Intel and AMD processors and chipset and I found 
that the problem was appeared only in AMD ones.

Even in clean windows 7 installation after the update of the os and card drivers the problem 
started presenting.
So I found a strange component called Appex Network Accelerator only in this machine, 
disabling it the problem disappeared


Il problema è causato da una funzionalità legata ai processori AMD e installata in automatico su qualsiasi scheda di rete, questo spiega perché alcuni test fatti con altre schede avevano dato dapprima esito positivo e successivamente (magari dopo update) esito negativo.
Ho riscontrato che disabilitando il componente Appex Network Accelerator,  evidenziato sotto, il problema si risolve senza dover reinstallare il sistema operativo.

venerdì 4 gennaio 2019

Outlook: disable use of cached credentials for users not in domain

In large organisations where mailbox is managed centrally but remote desktop or laptop are not in the same active directory context user connects to exchange via RPC or outlook Anywhere.

The account used is an active directory account with probably an expiration so happens that account expires but user do not change the cached password with new one.

To instruct outlook ask every time the password there is a this nice registry key:


Change version accordingly to yours- If you don't know which version is, look at it into one of the office application before to load the key.

Remember that since the key is stored in the Current User if he or she does not have the rights to edit the registry you have to load the hive from an administrative account. But this is another question...

Need help on that ? write me.

Change SAP logon page language

Open SAPLOGON PAD, click on the upper left corner of SAPlogon pad -> click options -> change the language and give OK.