venerdì 21 agosto 2015

Windows Print server Migration, how to migrate without user action.

Often is needed to migrate printer services from one server to another, nowadays server changes from x86 to 64 bit version so the use of prtinter migration tools could not be applied everytime, least but not las I prefer to do it manually to have full control of migration steps and to avoid user implication.
So this is the steps that i usually use.

First of all take a list of the printers that have to be migrated, sometimes happens that old queues are not deleted.
Control the printer ip port, sharename and driver type name and version used.

Create the new server and be sure to install printer add ons.

Create TCP/IP printer ports via script on new server:
Then open a terminal console with administrative rights and go to the folder: 
windows 2003: c:\windows\system32
windows 2008/2012C:\Windows\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US

cscript prnport.vbs -a -r IP_ -h -o raw -n 9100

I suggest to create a little batch file or just use notepad++ to create as mutch rows as needed and then paste in console window.

Then create the new printers with printmanament.msc using administrator rights. Be sure to use the same sharename as old server. 
This operation should be also automated in various way, but this will be another story.

Then you have just to change on clients the registry key:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Port

For example I have this local port:


In the registry I have a REG_SZ key with that name, it is enough to change it and restart spooler service.

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