mercoledì 2 luglio 2014

Adobe Reader MSI

Frustrated about the adobe reader msi download ? you don't want to register to get the distribution?
go to: and download what you need. Version 11.0 is downloadable in all languages, the updates are only availables in some languages.

Also you can download the exe and then run:
AdbeRdr1010_en_US.exe.exe -nos_o"C:\Folder" -nos_ne

martedì 1 luglio 2014

Detect Windows Architecture via command line

Recently I was not very sure about the windows version on a DVD, on the label it was written 64bit but since it was the master of large deploy I wanted to be sure at 100%.
So just at the first start during windows installation hit Shift+F10 and in the console window type:
wmic os get osarchitecture