mercoledì 20 febbraio 2019

AppexNetwork Accelerator on Windows 7 64 and network socket/connections closed

For some days I was involved in a strange problem on a custom application.
This application was written in vb6 and used oracle as a backend; after the upgrade from oracle 9 to 10 on the server side, client started to present a strange behaviour on the application.

If the user left the application in the taskbar without using it for some minutes the application freezing without any possible way out. Only killing the task.

The first actions was to verify some parameters on the network card, supposing the problem was caused by some Green feature to save energy

So with this command see the situation of the tcp stack
netsh int tcp show global
netstat –t

Used this documentation to understand the features of new network driver,_Receive_Side_Scaling_and_Chimney

Disabled some functionality of tcp
netsh interface tcp set global chimney=disabled

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled

Look on something about the Nagle Alghoritm

Then I found that the problem was presenting only in some HP pc. 
We bought two different HP workstation with Intel and AMD processors and chipset and I found 
that the problem was appeared only in AMD ones.

Even in clean windows 7 installation after the update of the os and card drivers the problem 
started presenting.
So I found a strange component called Appex Network Accelerator only in this machine, 
disabling it the problem disappeared


Il problema è causato da una funzionalità legata ai processori AMD e installata in automatico su qualsiasi scheda di rete, questo spiega perché alcuni test fatti con altre schede avevano dato dapprima esito positivo e successivamente (magari dopo update) esito negativo.
Ho riscontrato che disabilitando il componente Appex Network Accelerator,  evidenziato sotto, il problema si risolve senza dover reinstallare il sistema operativo.

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