martedì 16 luglio 2013

VMWare patch install

Last patch for VMWare 5.1 is
and the command line to install it is: 
 esxcli software vib install --depot="/vmfs/volumes/ds-r1-l0/esx51patch/"

VMWare disk cloning via command line

The free version of VMWare as strange could appears is a very good version also in production environments, it lacks obviously of various function, one of them is the ability to create template or copy virtual machines, which are very useful.

The solution is to create a vm as a template, with a name like tmpl.w2k8r2 to distinguish from production one, then create a new virtual machine with the desired hw resources but without disks.
Then clone the disk with this simple command, it is also possible to create a mini script:

vmkfstools --clonevirtualdisk tmpl.w2k8R2/tmpl.w2k8R2.vmdk [vmfolder]/[newvmdisk].vmdk